The best diet to lose a lot of weight
I was asked recently, “What is the diet when you have a lot of weight to lose?” In thinking how to respond, I realized we all know that...

Simple is never simple
I got asked a simple question the other day, "how did you get started on your health journey?" I got the sense that they wanted a short,...

Travel without weight gain
Staying healthy when traveling takes a bit of planning but is not impossible. I travel out of town and overnight frequently for work. ...

Pink Drink remake: Low calorie. Low carb.
Starbuck's Refreshers are a popular non-coffee choice but what's not popular are the calories from sugar in their not so "secret" menu...

New Year's Resolution: Do you set one?
It starts right after Christmas, you know, all the advertisements for Curves, Jenny Craig or some celebrity-endorsed weight loss program....

Diets: Which one is right for you?
According to a Gallup poll, on average 50% of people want to lose weight. Anyone who can give you a definitive answer as to what foods...

Eat S'mores, lose weight
Protein powder is it's own food group in my house. I supplement protein regularly simply as a matter of convenience. This is not to...

Thursdays are for throwbacks
We all enjoy #TBT photos of friends and family to produce a bit of nostalgia. When committing to a more active lifestyle, Throwback...

Are you off limits?
It's amazing what one can do when you simply refuse to assign limits. When you go all in, it is possible to not only reach your goals but...